Faulkville Baptist Church
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Code to find the church: $fbc7332
or just type in Faulkville Baptist Church
we here to help if you have any problems
call Eveline
Come Worship with Us
Service Times
Sunday 9:45 AM Sunday School,
11:00 AM Worship Service,
Wednesday 7:00 PM Youth Ministry,
7:00 PM Mid-week Prayer Service
7:00 PM Children's Ministry
144 Zeigler Rd
P.O. Box 265
Bloomingdale, GA 31302
(912) 748-7332- Phone
See us on Facebook
Sunday mornings at 11 am
Our Mission
At Faulkville Baptist Church, we strive to:
◊ Share Jesus Christ with as many people as possible in our church, community, and throughout the world.
◊ Be a worshiping fellowship, experiencing His presence, recognizing His person, and responding in obedience to His leadership.
◊ Help people grow in their knowledge of God and closer to Him.
◊ Minister to the needs of people in our community and the world in Jesus’ name.
◊ Be a church whose purpose is to be Christ-like in our daily living under the total Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Interested in becoming a member of our church family?
Daily Devotional

When you sit down to study God's Word, include Our Daily Bread. This trusted devotional includes a daily Scipture reading, a timely story, and meaningful life application on each page.