Faulkville Baptist Church
Community Outreach
Savannah Baptist Center
704 Wheaton Street
Savannah, GA 31401-5122
(912) 232-1033
Mission and Vision
The Savannah Baptist Center exists to glorify God by meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the communities that surround the Center.

The vision of the Baptist Center is:
1. Develop strong, Christ centered families.
2. Mobilize churches and individual Christians to develop and exercise their ministry evangelism skills through the Baptist Center outreach ministries.
3. Provide opportunities to strengthen the Baptist Center Church in cooperation with the Savannah Baptist Association’s church planting activities.
Food Pantry Needs at the Center - the center's pantry is running low, especially on the canned meats. Please assist in contributing the following items, if you are able:
◊ Canned meats
◊ Rice
◊ Canned fruits
◊ Small bags of sugar and flour
◊ Powdered and/or canned milk
◊ Jelly
Additionally, the Savannah Baptist Center invites you to join them in serving our community in one of the following ways:
Thanksgiving: SBC loves to give out special food bags to their clients to help them have a wonderful Thanksgiving. In order to do this, each year they ask for volunteers to collect items and perhaps even assist with giving out the bags. A list of food items needed are provided every year prior to the holiday.
Christmas: SBC provides a community-wide Christmas meal where they serve a delicious, hot meal to both homeless and non-homeless families. It's a blessing to do this year after year. In order for this outreach to continue each year, SBC needs volunteers who can assist with set-up, cooking, serving and clean-up. They will likely need food donations as well - please assist if you are able.
If you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions, please contact Hollie at 912.232.1033 or hollie@savbaptistcenter.org.