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Youth Ministries

  CREW Youth Ministry 


               ◊  Christians


               ◊  Equipped and

               ◊  Willing


All the nations you have made shall come
and worship before you, O Lord,
and shall glorify your name. 
Psalm 86:9 ESV


We invite you to visit and join with us during Worship, Bible Study, and fun in Christ. 


At CREW Youth Ministry our mission is three fold. We are here to:

Connect: show believers and unbelievers that they can connect with the local your ministry.

Grow: show Christian Students how to develop their life in Christ.

Serve: show the love of Christ throught our actions in a variety of ways.

kids connection.jpg

Congratulation Graduate
May 2023
Zyhier Mason 



9:45 a.m.  Sunday School
11:00 a.m.  Worship 

Wednesday Evening 


   7:00 p.m.  Bible Study
  7:30 p.m.  Fun and Games


    Future fundraisers for camp include:

     Chicken Dinner

     Spaghetti Dinner

     Pancake Breakfast

     Yard Sale

     Car Wash

Conferences / Retreats
Go Tell - Toccoa, GA  
GO TELL Ministries constantly has new opportunities to present the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we praise Him for the many lives we continue to see changed by His power. With the Apostle Paul, we say, "...pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you" (2 Thessalonians 3:1, NIV). GO TELL Youth Camps ministry is to attract tens of thousands of students and youth leaders from churches nationwide to be equipped in evangelism and discipleship.
IMPACT- Macon, GA 
Disciple Now (D-Now) - This is an event within evangelical Christian youth ministry. Elements of the event vary from church to church, but some elements are common to all Disciple Now. Youth are placed together in small groups, and these small groups stay at the homes of adults within the congregation or rent cabins for one weekend. Leaders from other areas are often brought in by the hosting church to teach Bible studies in these small groups. Sometimes small groups may join together for worship services at a central location. Typically, these worship services are very high energy and often feature a worship band.
The Move - Macon, GA -The Move Conference, formerly known as the Youth Evangelism Conference (YEC), is the largest and most exciting gathering of students in Georgia. Between Christmas and New Year's, nearly 10,000 students will gather for one of the most effective reaching and worship events in the southeastern United States. MOVE is a cooperative event of the SuperWOW Office and the local church. We plan a ONE-OF-A-KIND program, and hundreds of local churches bring their student groups. The GOAL for cooperation is for youth leaders to motivate their students to bring friends who need to know Christ. Many local churches create strategies to fund scholarships for lost students so they can eliminate the financial obstacle for lost students to get to MOVE.

SUPERWOW - Jekyll Island, GA - SUPERWOW Camp is the best evangelistic SUMMER CAMP for TEENAGERS in the nation, at some of the MOST BEAUTIFUL LOCATIONS in the nation.  Every week boasts POWERFUL WORSHIP services, group RECREATION options, MISSION PROJECTS, and FELLOWSHIP all designed with one core PURPOSE – to allow every student to hear and respond to THE GOSPEL!  At the end of SUPERWOW, your group will go home united in a SHARED PASSION for JESUS and a shared commitment for making Him known!

 CLICK HERE to complete the Youth Permission Form and Medical Release

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